By Mykaell Riley, University of Westminster In a surprising turn of events, Leeds-based guitar band English Teacher won the 2024 Mercury Prize for their debut album This Could Be Texas, marking a triumph for indie rock. This four-piece group, formed in 2020 while studying at Leeds Conservatoire, have quickly risen to...
We know that meat has a substantial impact on the planet, and that plant-based diets are more environmentally sustainable. But exactly how much impact does the food we eat have on environmental outcomes and what difference would following a vegan diet make compared to consuming a high meat, or...
As more people become aware of the environmental impact of making and consuming food and drink, there is renewed interest in many western countries in vegetarian, vegan and flexitarian diets, which come with lower carbon footprints. But meat and dairy are still the main source of protein for most adults...
Getting ripped takes effort. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson didn’t get to look the way he does by sitting on the sofa with a packet of Doritos propped up on his pecs. It took years of sweat, pain and sacrifice. Many men (not all of us, though, it should be noted)...
 Stephanie Foo, an award-winning radio producer, suffers from complex post-traumatic stress disorder, a disorder that in her country (the US) “doesn’t officially exist”. In her new book, What My Bones Know, Foo writes movingly about what it’s like to live with complex PTSD and her long journey to getting...
A recent study found inconsistent evidence linking the neurotransmitter serotonin to depression. In an article for The Conversation, the authors of the study concluded that it is impossible to say that taking SSRI antidepressants is worthwhile. But is it safe to conclude that serotonin is not involved in depression...
Have you been to the beach this summer? I took my daughter there the other day and got her a pasty for lunch. She was happily munching it while staring out to sea, back turned to the café where we bought the pasty. Suddenly, there was a flapping of...
Batman is the hero of Gotham City. He’s the one locals turn to when they need saving. He’s the name on everyone’s lips. But the reality is that Gotham City crime is also kept under control by the police commissioner – a character who uses the law to bring...
People have pondered whether dreams have a purpose throughout human history. Modern scientists are fascinated with this question too. For a long time the science of dreams has oscillated between fringe research and the mainstream. But creative study designs and new technology are transforming it into an exciting and serious...
I get twitchy about taking holidays at the end of August, because it’s the only time of year when people (and the media) in the UK seem to want to talk about wasps and I have spent my career trying to change people’s minds about these fascinating insects. Typically, the...