Written by Rob Staunton
Candida Symptoms
Following on from part 2, we shall look at the various symptoms related to Candida. We spoke about doing the various DIY tests at home, however there would need to be underlying symptoms to do the test in the first place. One of the problems with Candida and especially with getting a diagnosis is that symptoms can be very vague and not always continual. You could have a migraine one day and then it will go away and reappear in a week, and by then, you have forgotten about it which could continue for months on end. Or, you could get really bad reflux some days and some days it would be non-existent. You end up living with the discomfort and thinking that this is normal and especially as you get older. The reality is that it can affect your everyday life, and you grow accustomed to it which should not be how you live your life.
From a vague symptom of indigestion, you then may go and get an OTC antacid, however this could make things worse, as other issues will start developing. For example, by taking an antacid, you are lowering the PH of your stomach. Once that happens, you are essentially weakening your first line of defence for pathogens to enter your system. With lower stomach acid, you will have difficulty absorbing B12 which could cause a host of symptoms related to B12 deficiency. Furthermore, you will reduce your ability to absorb nutrients and absorb minerals which could lead to undigested foods, which would increase the available substrate for various pathogens and exacerbate a Candida/SIBO or a parasite infection. See how things can quickly get out of control from vague symptoms?
If you are working with an unskilled practitioners in this area, and this could be both GPs and natural medicine practitioners you could be given a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, gallstones, inflammatory bowel disease, anxiety, depression, insomnia etc,. Some of the patients are desperate and lose all faith in all types of medicine and continue on with their symptoms unaided. This is why I am a big fan of testing and not guessing. There is bit of a cost to doing a comprehensive gut test but, it pays for itself many times over by getting a diagnosis.
The most common symptoms
As mentioned, one of the problems with Candida, and in fact, other gut issues such as H Pylori, SIBO and parasites is that the symptoms can range from vague to full on debilitating symptoms, and they can each cross over and cause issues inside and outside the gut as well, which makes it more difficult to treat.
- Very common are digestive issues such as bloating, diarrhoea and/or constipation
- Reoccurring vaginal infections, urinary tract infections and/or rectal itching
- Severe seasonal allergies or itchy ears
- Indigestion
- Flatulence, lots of gas
- Indigestion
- Heartburn
- Abdominal pain.
- Mucus in stools.
- Haemorrhoids with rectal itching.
- Strong sugar cravings
- Difficulty concentrating, poor memory, lack of focus, brain fog
- Skin issues like eczema, hives, and rashes
- Mood swings, anxiety, or depression
Not so common symptoms
- Blurred vision
- Loss of self confidence
- Ear aches
- Poor concentration
- Alterations or disturbances of smell, taste, sight or hearing
- Poor concentration
- Confusion
- Dizziness, light-headed
- Numbness and tingling
- Poor memory – especially short term
- Hyperactivity – especially with children
- Crying or emotional spells
- Spaced feeling
Candida may also contribute significantly to the causation of a number of medical conditions as diverse as irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, psoriasis, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism and PMS to name but a few. In my first article, I mentioned how all disease starts in the gut and this will give you an indication of why. I am not saying everything is, but there will be a road leading back to the gut at some point even if symptoms aren’t.
The main symptoms are for the most part digestive related, and it can be easier to diagnose if you are working with a practitioners who is skilled in this area. However, once you go outside the digestive system, this is where it gets lost on a lot of practitioners, although recent research shows us that a lot of mental issues are coming from inflammation coming from the gut. I personally had some anxiety, depression and fatigue and my doctor wanted me to go see a psychiatrist after all his tests showed up negative. Maybe you can related to this story? It wasn’t until I got tested and found out I had yeast infection that I was able to resolve all my symptoms. If you are having any of the above symptoms, work with your doctor or natural medicine practitioners and look to get tested for Candida.
Rob Staunton has over 20 years’ experience as a researcher, writer and is attending the College of Naturopathic Medicine, as well as an ex Candida sufferer. For more information on Candida, you can visit www.thecandidaguide.com or email [email protected]