A major leisure centre development has been put on hold just hours before voting for the final deal.
The councillors were discussing about the deal between Brighton & Hove City Council and developers Crest Nicholson when they received a letter containing ‘certain scenarios’ which could take place if there was a no-deal Brexit.
The letter states: “The current deadlock is most unhelpful and does not provide the basis for major investment decisions in the interim.”
The same letter then explains that the agreement will only be discussed once there will be more certainty around the Brexit deal.
The project would involve the replacement of the King Alfred leisure centre with new sports facilities and affordable housing. It has been the subject of numerous controversies amid concerns that the plan for new housing will not follow through.

Green Councillor Phélim Mac Cafferty commented: “Now we’re beginning to see the real effect of Brexit on our city, and already it means developers are slamming the brakes on major development, critical housing projects are being put on ice, and new jobs and opportunities are being put on hold.”
The council will look for other alternatives if no agreement is made with Crest by the end of this month.