Council Supports Climate Strike

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Brighton and Hove City Council will now support young people’s right to protest as part of the ‘strike for climate’ on Friday 20th September.

What is ‘strike for climate’?

‘Strike for climate’ is led by young people around the world. Their goal is to make “decision-makers  take immediate action”. The campaign has global support from Greta Thunberg, Amnesty International,TUC, Oxfam and Greenpeace. Lush and Ben and Jerry’s will have shut downs during this time. The strike will take place three days before a UN climate summit.


Councillor Phélim Mac Cafferty is “proud to show our solidarity with everyone striking on 20th September.”

Since the movement began students have demanded that leaders do more to address climate change. With the GMB union and Sussex Police, the council is offering advice to parents, schools and employees so everyone can safely strike.

Not only young adults

Findings from YouGov and Oxfam indicate that “two-thirds of teachers believed there should be more teaching about climate change.” To combat this the City council will support the UN e-learning Climate Change course. This course ensures at least one teacher in every school is trained to better prepare their students for climate change.

Councillor Clare Rainey, who put forward the proposal to offer more support to climate strikers, added, “I’m pleased to see that the final steps have finally been taken to reaffirm this council’s support for the climate strikes on 20th.”

This will be the first general strike in Britain since 1926.

Featured image by: Garry Knight

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