Download The App, Plug In Your Headphones And Let The Journey Begin!

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A meditative music tune is playing, a calm voice reads in your ear: “Look at her. Where do you think she is going? Or he?”. You are standing at Jubilee Square like you have probably done it many times before. But for the first time, you actually take the time to pay attention to what is really going on around you. You watch the people walking past and reflect on where they are heading to.

Your observation spot at Jubilee Square.
Your observation spot at Jubilee Square.

This is one of the locations users of Brighton Festival app “The Hum” will be guided to. We tried it out for you and were amazed by the experience. It might seem a bit odd to start off with when the app tells you to go into the toilets of Small Batch Coffee in Jubilee Street, but just plug your headphones in and forget about what other people might think.

Once downloaded, this free app will take you to 15 locations all over Brighton that we tend to overlook in our everyday life, like escalators, lifts, pedestrian crossings or cash point machines. On spot, all you need to do is plug your headphones, listen to the texts and get lost in your thoughts.

Just listen to the app.
Just listen to the app.

Designed by Hove based installation artist Nic Sandiland, the app follows this year’s Brighton Festival theme ‘Everyday Epic’ by highlighting the beauty of our daily interactions with the city. “People will see familiar sites from a new perspective and hopefully gain a new awareness of these often passed-by places” is what Sandiland says about his intentions behind it.

The idea was born when he thought about what an app could bring to a live performance. Having chosen the concept, finding a name for the project was easy. Taken from the popular phrase ‘The hum of the city’, ‘The Hum’ seemed to be the most obvious name to choose.

Watching the pedestrian crossing from the fourth floor of Waterstone library.
Watching the pedestrian crossing from the fourth floor of Waterstone library.

So, are you ready to leave the comfort of your sofa and discover Brighton in a totally different way? Then click here to download the app.

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