Before the welfare state, responsibility for poor relief was held at parish level. Elizabeth Hughes is a County Archivist hosting a one-off workshop exploring the archives created by The Old Poor Law in East Sussex and Brighton.

Held on April 23rd, this workshop will give you an exclusive look into the Brighton archives and to look at life before the welfare state. This half-day workshop will shed light on the personal stories of those affected by The Old Poor Law. The workshop is held at The Keep, a ‘world-class centre for archives that opens up access to all collections of the East Sussex Record Office…it is also a centre of excellence for conservation and preservation and represents the new generation of archive buildings in the UK’ The Keep have partnered with East Sussex Record Office, University of Sussex, Royal Pavilion & Museums, Historic Environment Record and the Sussex Family History Group. It houses archives of all kids, from literary to political archives that hold vital information about the history of East Sussex.
You can buy tickets for this workshop here.
Holly Martin
feature image: Carolina Prysyazhnyuk