Here’s a round-up of the best events happening this week! There’s arts, food, comedy and big clothes swaps so whether you’re in the mood for a laugh or a new wardrobe there’s something for you!
The Great English Taste Off
After the success of last year’s event ‘Issac @’ are bringing The Great English taste off back for Brightonians. They’ve teamed up with Brighton Wine Company to bring a celebration of Sussex produce and English wines. The event was a sell out last year and offers the opportunity to taste culinary wonders from Isaac Bartlett-Copeland in the form of canapes and specially selected local cheeses alongside some of the best wine our country has to offer. The event runs for two hours giving ample time to taste all of the delectable things on offer.
Isaac At. 2 Gloucester Street, BN1 4EW.
Monday Roast
Did you miss the chance to get a roast this week? Fear not as The Walrus is here for you with their brand new Monday roasts! Their head chef is cooking up a treat with pork belly, beef sirloin, lamb shoulder. half chicken and vegan wellington! Seats are very limited but they’re running this new menu every Monday so book in now.
The Walrus. 10 Ship Street, BN1 1AD.
Queer Looks Talk with Martin Pel
The curator of Brighton Museum’s fashion department Martin Pel is hosting a talk from 3pm at Jubilee Library on the new project ‘Queer Looks’. The new exhibition celebrates the anniversary of partial decriminalisation of homosexuality. There’s not much more info available about which looks in particular but head down to hear more before it opens!
Jubilee Library. Jubilee Street, BN1 1GE.
Brighton Fashion Revolution: Meet The Maker
The FAIR Shop are celebrating Fashion Revolution Week by hosting a day of videos, talks and stories from people who make and create products. There is huge discounts fro those who want to give sustainable fashion a try. The pop-up falls on the 5th anniversary of the 1,138 people who died in the Rana Plaza disaster and is a chance to gain more understanding of how fast-fashion impacts the environment and the people who work along the production line.
The FAIR shop. 21 Queens Road, BN1 3XA.
Pottery & Pints Workshop
Head to the Stoneham Pub for a night of pottery and booze. You’ll learn the basic skills of how to ‘throw’ a pot and be given full guidance on how to make your very own piece. There’s a huge range of coloured glazes, cobalts and oxides to pick from to make your pot look pretty. Firing and glazing is included in the price and takes a little over 3 weeks to be finished. There’s two sessions so you can definitely take part if you want to!
Komedy Krackers
A monthly alternative comedy night, including stand-up, sketch, musical, character or clown acts, hosted by MC Sara Mason. Komedy Krackers boast the best of Brighton’s comedy scene and is a perfect time to get ready about all the comedy the Fringe will have to offer.
Caroline of Brunswick.
Wednesday Nights at Art by Johnny: 4 Hooves, 2 Feet, 1 Tale
The people at Phoenix Brighton are hosting a whole month of events to coincide with ‘Art by Johnny’. They have said of this weeks event “Johnny has been working with Dido Fisher and her horses for several years. Dido has been integrating practices of Horse Whispering with Learning & Developmental Coaching for over two decades to create a unique method for supporting her clients to change and learn. What the horses have taught Dido about non- verbal communication especially resonates in working with special needs clients. Through radical encouragement to help her clients imagine themselves in new ways, she supports clients to embody remarkable changes, so that they can step across their thresholds, with courage, openness and wisdom moving beyond what appears possible. “
Phoenix Brighton. 10-14 Waterloo Place, BN2 9NB.
Kathrin Böhm on Collective Products, Common Goods
“Kathrin Böhm is an artist based in London, with a long-standing interest in collaborative production and the (re-)production of public space. Kathrin is the founder of Company Drinks, an art project in the shape of a community drinks company, based in Barking and Dagenham, east London; and a founder member of international art initiative Mvvillages. She’ll be talking about hop-picking trips, trans-European sauerkraut workshops, and making BAD Cola (good bad, not bad bad)” – see more info on the event page.
New England House. Unit 6, BN1 4GH.
Fashion Revolution Week: Clothes Swap Party
In collaboration with Brighton Girl, the next event on the Brighton Fashion Revolution Week calendar is the ‘Clothes Swap Party’. There’s rules which you can look at on the event page. Join them for a night of drinks, boogying and big chats with like-minded and inquisitive people. It’s running as an antidote to the ‘throwaway fashion mentality’.