Brightonian Christmas Special – What Are Your Christmas Traditions?

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We love Christmas at Brighton Journal, so we’ve decided to celebrate this festive season with a Christmas-inspired feature series. We’ve reached out to local Brightonians and asked them a few questions about how they like to celebrate Christmas. 

First up, is 23-year-old Emily Summers of Queens Park Road, who celebrates Christmas with her family in Headley Down, Hampshire.

What gets you in the festive spirit?

Decorating the Christmas tree and doing Christmas baking. I can always count on the Christmas Eve church service to get me in the festive spirit.

What time do you wake up on Christmas day?

We now wake up at around 8am, but it used to be way earlier around 6am when my little sister, Clara, was really young. Nowadays, she doesn’t mind a lie in (luckily).

How does your day go from start to finish on Christmas Day?

We wake up, open presents from Santa ASAP and play with these for a bit before having breakfast., which usually consists of poached eggs and bacon. Then we usually spend the next couple of hours trying to find bloody batteries and figure out how all my siblings’ new toys work.Then I usually go on a run or walk the dog before helping my dad with lunch. After a huge Christmas feast, we usually snack away while watching a classic festive film like The Grinch. We then have something light for dinner or snack some more whilst watching TV before heading to bed.

What’s on your table?

We have traditional turkey roast and then fruit cake, Yule log and homemade Christmas pudding.

Dressing up or PJs?

I’ll stay in my PJs for the majority of the morning and wear a Christmas jumper for the rest of the day. Comfort is definitely the priority on Christmas!

What do you get up to on Boxing Day?

Boxing Day is just a pretty normal day for us, we just chill and eat the leftovers. Nothing too special.

Brussel sprouts – yay or nay?

Big YAY from me, I love sprouts!

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Favourite Christmas song?

Definitely “Merry Christmas Everyone” – Shakin’ Stevens

Best part about the festive season?

Best part of the season is baking with my family and just generally spending time with everyone.

Favourite festive food?

I weirdly love all the veg on Christmas day – the sprouts, cabbage, broccoli and carrots! They’re the best part.

Do you believe in Santa?

My little Santa believes in Santa whole-heartedly, which is probably my favourite part about Christmas.


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