Brighton’s New Year’s Resolutions

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January is here again, bringing with it lists of ambitious resolutions that (at least in my case) are unlikely ever to be upheld. How often do we actually implement the zealous and enthusiastic promises we make ourselves? We spoke to some Brighton residents to better understand the thought behind these resolutions, and their success rate.

Zoe (pictured below) told us she hoped to “stop smoking and lose some weight” in the run up to her brother’s wedding. She told us that she made this resolution every year, and “didn’t usually manage it”. This year however, she informed us she has a scheme, and is planning to buy a vape to help quit smoking. She stated: “this year is the year”. Perhaps she’ll have more luck in 2018!

Zoe hopes to give up smoking
Zoe hopes to give up smoking

Tim told us he will be attempting more cycling this year, as part of a scheme to get fitter. He stated that he’d: “bought a nice new bike to encourage himself”. He also acknowledged that he’d wasted a lot of money on new gear in the past in attempts to encourage himself in different hobbies. We wish him better perseverance this time!

Ellie hopes to travel more, and has compiled a list of destinations she hopes to visit this year. This is part of a long term plan to use her experiences to write a travel blog. She has already managed to put her resolution into practice by organising a month long trip to Asia.

Ellie hopes to travel more
Ellie is resolved to travel more

Perhaps Diane had the most ambitious resolution; she told us she hopes to ‘Dream big’, and plans to accomplish this by creating a dream board and praying over it every day. She will ask God to help her with her dreams, so she can fulfil her “true destiny in life”. It is surprisingly refreshing to hear someone with faith and confidence in their resolution, and you certainly can’t fault her ambition!

We heard a fresh perspective from Navin, who told us he constantly strives to make his life better, treating his self growth and improvement as a continual procedure. I am inclined to agree that this is a wiser and more realistic approach to resolutions than attempting a complete reboot and overhaul of ourselves in January.

Whether you’re striving to fulfil your true destiny, or simply trying to shed a few pounds, why not give yourself a break and try treating self improvement as a continuous process this year.

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