Brighton’s Rubbish – The New Page Dedicated to Making Rubbish Art

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Featured image by Lottie Whyman.

Recently, rubbish has come to the forefront of many Brighton’s resident’s minds. Admittedly, many busy weekends this summer did leave the city in a less than beautiful state. But are we focussing too much on getting angry about rubbish, when we should take a little time to try and see some beauty in discarded items?


One Brighton resident certainly seems to think so. Artist Faye Bridgewater created the ‘Brighton’s Rubbish’ Facebook page, a private group in which members are encouraged to post photos of the litter they spot around town, in order to “celebrate rubbish in an aesthetically pleasing way” and it seems that many are keen to join her celebration.


Faye’s favourite contribution so far, by Justin Pooka. “It’s like a painting and so beautifully balanced”


Speaking to Brighton Journal, Faye said spoke of what initially inspired her to create the group:

“When I’m walking around  Brighton it has a great sense of community and giving so there is always something on the street being given away.  I find these abandoned objects fascinating. The placement of them, their history and their future. Each object has a story which will always be a secret. Brighton’s Rubbish celebrates these urban landscapes and encourages aesthetically pleasing photos of rubbish and discarded junk.”


For many, the creation of this group and it’s positive attitude will be a welcome change from the opinions shared on other Brighton-based Facebook pages on the increased amount of litter in the city. For example, following this years Pride festival, many disgruntled residents took to the ‘Brighton People’ Facebook page to voice their concern.

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Images posted on Facebook after Pride 2018 caused outrage from residents


One person commented: “Bloody litterbugs, so selfish. Get away from our beach with your crap. And if you don’t like the beach or stones, trot off” with another writing “People are disgusting!!! Put your f**king rubbish in the f**king bins!!!!!!”


Faye, however, is not denying that Brighton is becoming increasingly dirty, but thinks there are more effective ways of getting the city clean once again:

“Brighton is filthy and it is really is depressing and embarrassing. The whole city needs a good wash. This summer was particularly bad as it didn’t rain. I completely understand why people take to these Facebook groups to vent their anger but what I suggest is report it to the council and I must admit when I report something they are pretty quick to respond.”


One of our favourite ‘rubbish’ photos. Image by TazTakesPhotos


Faye also shared some ideas on how we can all work together in order to make Brighton a cleaner, happier place, for residents and visitors alike:

“There should be more advertising on the trains, car parks and road signs about taking your litter home with you and the city centre should be hosed down on a Sunday night like in many other European cities. People also need to pick up their dog poo, as that really is a disgusting problem here. I also think shops need to be responsible for the pavement directly in front of their premises.”


So if you want to join in the rubbish celebrating revolution, head over to ‘Brighton’s Rubbish’ on Facebook.




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