Last night was full of mayhem and partying from the amount of people that entered through the doors of Coalition. Not surprised when they had on offer free entry if you arrived with a creme egg before half 11. The fact that all creme eggs were then tossed into the crowd was certainly a nice surprised. No chocolate wasted there. The DJ was on fire playing all them tracks us students know and love. Ed Sheeran was particularly popular. If the ‘Shape of You’ is anything like us at BJournal this week then you’ll understand the effects of Easter and all the chocolatey goodness.

It was a manic night, no getting to those bars unless you wanted to wait over 15 minutes to get through the people to be served. Those bar tenders were on a roll though. Getting those queues down asap to serve us them yummy alcoholic beverages. Great night Coalition! See you again soon!