Following on from last weeks Remain rally in the wake of Brexit, news has come today that there will be a far right march through the city.
The campaign is being supported by movements South Coast Resistance AKA the “Pie and Mash Squad”. The Demonstration is being planned for next month, on the 16th. On their social media they claim they protest in the bounds of the law and that they will be peaceful.
Their social media however suggests that they will “bring them down, one city at a time”.
However, following threats of a march by the same far right group a few days ago in Southampton, a Muslim Festival celebrating the Eid was cancelled due to growing concerns of racial hatred. The end of Ramadan was to be celebrated by a mass gathering by the event was disbanded due to concerns and fear over the presence of the Pie and Mash Squad who planned to celebrate the Brexit result and the “end to mass immigration”.
Saturday’s planned demonstration in Southampton was met by a counter demo by left-wing activists who opposed the idea of a right-wing march in their city. The Pie and Mash squad define themselves as a “group of people who love pie n mash and the way Britain used to be” but their rally in Southampton didn’t go quite to plan, with many reports claiming that they did not turn up in big numbers.

However, according to the groups Facebook page they did generate support as they “blew through town”. It will be interesting to see the reception of the demonstration considering that Brighton voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU, so how much support this movement generates remains to be seen.
With last weeks demonstration aiming to help support those who feel vulnerable or defeated by the referendum result, the timing of this march is far from ideal. Last month a nationalist demonstration in Brighton lead to a reported 14 arrests, so there are fears that the situation could escalate now that tensions are higher post Brexit.
Feature image from last weeks Southampton demonstration. Via the Daily Echo.