Hamburgers to Die For

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Hamburgers are not just hamburgers. Lets face it, we’ve all had hamburgers from a fast food chain or a restaurant where they don’t really taste of anything and the texture is like chewing a carpet. But done right, hamburgers can be delicious and not a completely unhealthy meal at all. It all depends on what we make them out of, and what we eat with them. This recipe is to die for, and you don’t need much to go with them because they taste so good on their own.

  • 1/2 kg minced beef or lamb
  • 1 garlic leaf, finely chopped
  • 1 tbs chopped parslay
    2 tsp mustard
    1 tsp salt
    ¼ tsp pepper
    ½ tsp cumin
    ¼ tsp cardamom (eða 2 dropar)
    1 tbs olive oil

Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl. Then roll the hamburgers to a size of your liking, put the meat on the barbecue, then cook them to your tastes. I personally like meat “well done” with a hint of red in the middle.

The rest is up to you, white bread, brown bread, whatever sauce or vegetables you like. But I can assure you that these burgers taste great!  My take on it is no bread, melted cheese on top and fried onions with a simple salad on the side.

Enjoy your weekend!

[email protected]

Feature image by Awaya Legends

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