Hit BBC One show Sort Your Life Out is back and looking for families or shared households in the local area to take part!
In the programme, Stacey Solomon and her team of organising experts help families declutter their homes and transform their spaces in just 7 days. You can find our previous series on BBC iPlayer here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/ episodes/m00116n4/sort-your- life-out
Staceyu and her team are keen to find interested families or shared households in the area to take part in a new series and are keen to speak to people from all walks of life, with varying backgrounds and experiences, who may need a helping hand decluttering and organising their home.
More information and online application forms can be found at www.optomen.com/Sort-Your- Life-Out
We’re keen to reach as many people in the local area as possible that could potentially benefit from this experience, and particularly those from often underrepresented groups and backgrounds.
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