Humans of Brighton – Meet Joe and Katrina

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It is always important to Brighton Journal to give recognition to the variety of people of that live and visit the city. For this Sunday’s instalment of Humans of Brighton, we caught up with some friendly faces, Joe, and Katrina in the North Lanes.

Hi Joe! How long have you lived in the city?

I’ve lived here for 5 years now. I went to Uni here and then just stayed!

So what keeps you in Brighton now you’ve finished studying?

I’m a freelance UX designer. I had a job interview today for a graphic design role!

Where would you say is your favourite place in the city?

I’m tempted to say the North Lanes, but then at the same tie I love Pavilion Gardens and Queen’s Park.

Joe Chan

Lastly, if you could pick one place to eat in the city, where would you choose?

You know what, *points across the street* it would have to be Loving Hut, the ocean burger there is INCREDIBLE!

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Secondly, we asked Katrina, a student from Germany, some questions about what brought her to Brighton this weekend.

So Katrina, where are you from?

I’m from Germany, my friend and I took the ferry from Frankfurt and visited Belgium and France, then took the ferry to Newhaven and stumbled across Brighton!

Ah! So you’re travelling? What is your first impression of the city so far?

Yes – it is very different from what I thought it would be like. I think it’s so nice, there are some beautiful houses and the street we’re in here is very colourful.

Would you return to Brighton after your one day experience in the city?

Yes I think so! I would definitely like to return to England, it has made me want to see so much more.


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