Laura, 36 and Lily, 20 are living and working in Brighton!
Laura is working at ‘Made’ on North Street, which is a Gallery & In-house coffee Shop/Eatery. “It’s like a creative hub, it’s got workshops, expositions and a good old coffee shop. I love it!”
Lily is studying music and working in a pub. But most importantly, plays in a band called ‘Penelope Isles’. “Living the BM1 life!” She describes her style of music as “dreamy, fuzzy, dynamic rock.” Penelope Isles is going on tour at the end of January but they’re next performing in Brighton on the 4th of February at the Green Door Store! Yay yay yay!
Penelope Isles :
Laura is wearing some snazzy DM shoes and her £15 tiger print coat is from a market stool in Kensington Gardens!
Lily has had her dress ever since she can remember “and I wear it when I can’t find anything else to wear, I think it’s from Topshop.” A lot of Lily’s sick tattoos she did herself, as she’s ALSO a stick and poke artist. She’s done a few tattoos for other people too! Her shawl is from a market stool in Kensington Gardens outside ‘Snoopers Paradise’. “There’s a sexy Italian guy who sells there.”
“We’re literally repping the Brighton lanes right now!”
Her coat is from a charity shop in the Isle of Man for just £6! “Everyone always wants to borrow it!”
“Merry Chistmas everyone!” from Laura!
“Merry Christmas, keep on rocking in the free world, living the BM1 life!”
These girls were so cool I didn’t leave without giving them a big hug for they’re lovely happy vibes and positive energy!
Let the magic continueee!