Local Singles club celebrates 17 years

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A party for  people from all over Sussex was held in Brighton recently for 100 people aged 55+ – and the dancing never stopped.  This is what happens when members of The Group, a Sussex club for unattached men and women, aged 55+, get together. 

Back in 2006, The Group opened in Haywards Heath.  Later a venue was found in Brighton, followed by venues in Horsham, Lewes and Worthing.

Seven years ago, celebrating it’s first 10 years, The Group held a celebratory dinner.  And then Covid.  The Group had to stop meeting and had to cancel its planned 15 year celebration.

But, always keen to party, The Group’s seventeenth birthday – odd number though it is – presented members with the perfect opportunity to get together.

Says Tricia Bentley, co-founder of The Group.  “We’re very proud that unattached people have a means of meeting new friends through The Group.  Our members tend to be aged 55+ but we don’t have rigid age limits.  Those who come along to a club night and join The Group receive an emailed diary twice a month and then they select the events they want to attend.”

But it’s not just dancing.  There’s golf, lunches and dinners, walks, theatre, live music and holidays.

The Group meets in Worthing on the first Wednesdat of every month, Burgess Hill on the 2nd Monday, Brighton on the third Wednesday, Horsham on the 4th Monday and Lewes on the 4th Thursday.   More details can be obtained from The Group’s website www.thegroup.org.uk


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