Prevent loneliness in Brighton and Hove this Christmas

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Many of us consider the festive period to be a time to celebrate and share with loved ones – but not everyone has this luxury. Age UK in Brighton and Hove and around the UK are urging people to reach out to older people in their community who might be feeling lonely this Christmas.

New statistics collected by Age UK reveal for over half a million older people, Christmas isn’t something to look forward to because it brings back too many memories of people who have passed away. The charity aims to reduce these figures by providing a range of services and activities, such as coffee mornings, exercise classes and advice and support when there’s no one else to turn to.

Simon Dowe, Chief Operating Officer at Age UK Brighton & Hove said: “We estimate there are over 3,500 lonely older people in Brighton & Hove alone. There is far more awareness now of the problem of loneliness and as a result, I think many families and friends make a real effort to be kind to older people, especially at this time of year.

“As our new research shows, sadly some older people are still being left out in the cold and feel they have no one to turn to for advice or support. So as well as doing your bit to be friendly to the older people you know, please support us so we can be there for those who really are almost always on their own. No one should have to live like that in old age.”

Although loneliness is by no means an inevitable part of ageing, difficult life events can all be triggers for becoming more isolated and feeling lonelier. This may include bereavement, serious illness or limited mobility.

The charity helps over seven million older people each year across the UK by providing advice and support. Age UK Brighton & Hove is encouraging people to get behind their campaign and to donate to provide life-changing services so support can continue for older people and their families.

To receive help and support from Age UK Brighton & Hove or to donate, visit their website or call 01273 720 603.  

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