Watch: Student’s Moving Film Follows His Father After He Was Diagnosed With Multiple Systems Atrophy

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Brighton resident and student at the University of Sussex Will Norman has released a film in memory of his father who suffered with Multiple Systems Atrophy.

The 67 minute film, which follows Paul Norman’s journey as his condition progresses, examines how disability changed Paul’s life and affected his relationship with friends, carers and his sons.

Will says: “In 2004 my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The symptoms (stiff body, lethargic walking, slurred talking) were distinct and disturbing to his lifestyle, meaning that he had to retire at the age of 50, from a profession that he so loved in teaching.

“His symptoms progressed at a rate that was uncommon for a Parkinson’s sufferer, which led doctors to re-diagnose dad with Multiple Systems Atrophy (MSA), a more severe neurological condition with an average prognosis of nine years.

“A few years ago I started filming dad, aware that our time together would be affected and significantly shortened by this re-diagnosis.

“Initially I planned for the film to be a short piece as a way of preserving our relationship through film, as he had done with his family through home videos.

“The film grew and grew, leading to the involvement of a video production company and now, finally, it has become a 67 minute film.

“The film documents my dad’s disease, how it affects his relationships, his self-image and his deterioration.”

You can watch the film One Last Lecture below:

One Last Lecture from WILLIAM NORMAN on Vimeo.

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