‘We’ve been told that Eubank is still out there looking for us.’

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Bjournal were lucky enough to grab an interview with the anonymous comedic geniuses behind the our very own spoof news website. Inspired by the brains behind The Thick of It, the writers of The Brighton Gazelle talk to us about life in Brighton, and being hunted by Chris Eubank.

What is it that you do?

We’re a news website that looks for the gaps of truth in the actual news. We just want to share a little fun with the rest of Brighton. It can get quite serious at times.

What inspired you to do what you do?

We love satire and comedy Armando Iannucci is one our favourites. He always found a perfect balance between silly and painfully truthful that we find admirable. Now if you can just get either painfully truthful or silly correctly we might be onto something

What can you tell us about yourselves?

Well we’ve had some success writing articles of a satirical nature in the past and thought it might be fun to do this on a local scale. Personally were just fun loving happy people and are not at all bitter.

Do you have a family?

We all have our own families but they don’t know each other- yet. The plan is to maybe get them to meet one day.

Have you always lived in Brighton?

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Not always but think we all have family from around this area. In honesty we would have loved to have grown up here.

If not where do you come from?

From the all over the UK really some from the blindingly sunny north others more this area.

How do you like Brighton and what do you like about it?

I usually like Brighton, I see hilarious stuff all the time which is kind of the inspiration for a lot of the stories we run. The other day down Kensington Garden, the logistically important thoroughfare bare the Suez Canal, I saw a man just standing in the middle right in the pavement kind of pointing. It was mental. The pedestrians had a wild madness in their eyes. It might have been Boxing Day, in fact, it might have been me.

Have you made a New Years resolution?

Yes, to expand out of the news article format and try our hand at a little video or two.

Did you make one last year?

Yes and it’s been going well so far, I promised to break my news years resolution for my New Years resolution. It appears as Schrodingers Resolution, appearing perpetually broken and unbroken.

What is the highlight of 2015 for you?

Our Chris Eubank article managed to gain 170k reads which was just incredible. People shared it some laughed, some cried but we were very happy to have such an impact in a short time.


We would like to climb out of our caves and reveal ourselves to the world, not as cavemen but as fully fledgling human beings but we may have to wait for the dust to settle as we’ve been told that Eubank is still out there looking for us.

You can find The Brighton Gazelle here, as well as like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter


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