What are the most common medical negligence cases? 

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What are the most common medical negligence cases?
Medical negligence occurs when a patient has been ill-advised by a medical or healthcare professional, or they have failed to notice the illness all together, thereby the patient has suffered injury or further illness as a result. These are the most common types of medical negligence

Misdiagnosis and Failure to Diagnose
This type of medical negligence happens when the medical professional has failed to diagnose their patient with an illness or has diagnosed them but with the wrong illness. This can cause unnecessary suffering, especially if it’s an illness that can be treated and stopped in its tracks before it gets any worse such as certain types of cancers.

If an incorrect diagnosis is made, the patient may then go on to live with worries or stress if they think it is something serious and detrimental, and vice versa if they are told that they are okay but really should be receiving treatment for their problem. This can pose potentially life-threatening risks.

Surgical Negligence
Generally, most operations that are performed in the UK are incredibly successful and heal without any problems. However, there can be occasional mistakes.

Some of these mistakes are known as ‘Never Events’, meaning that they are so serious and rare that the government has labelled them as though they should never happen. These types of events could be an operation being performed on the wrong part of the body, to retaining a foreign object following the surgery.

Prescription and Medication Errors
Thousands of prescriptions are written and dispensed each day by pharmacies and drug stores such as Boots throughout the UK. Most of the time, these prescriptions are carefully carried out and properly processed. But from time-to-time errors can occur, leaving the patient in sometimes fatal situations.

By receiving the wrong dosage amount or incorrect medication, you can become seriously ill with allergic reactions, digestive issues, psychological illnesses, brain damage and even death.  Only trained professionals should be able to prescribe and dispense medication.

Pregnancy and Birth Injuries
With an average of 5 babies born worldwide every second, there are unfortunately some cases where medical negligence can occur.

Most of these births happen without any problems, but when there are issues it can have devastating results for the mother, family, and the baby involved.

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Things like suffocation and brain damage can occur if the baby isn’t delivered properly or hasn’t been carefully monitored shortly after birth.


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