Whats on this weekend? Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd October

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Grip Thumb 18 Oct – 23 Oct – Pop-Up LAB: Gallery and Maker Space

Artist Al Hodgson is curating another one of his successful exhibitions Grip Thumb. Getting artists to create artwork on the grip side of a skateboard. Head down to the seafront and check this interesting and unique exhibition out. The new gallery space will be worth a visit and is primed to host a wide variety of different exhibitions in the weeks and months to come.

FADE: Friday 20th Oct – Komedia (Club Night)

Fade presents an ensemble of DJ’s showcasing the best of the UK’s underground scene, including techno, dub step and weightless grime. 18yrs+. It’s £5.oo adv. and £7.00 on the door and promises to be a great night for anyone into the contemporary underground club scene in one of Brighton’s top venues.

Spellbinding Halloween at Borde Hill: Sat 21st – Sun 22nd – Borde Hill Gardens, Haywards Heath

Pop outside of Brighton this weekend for a bit of family fun centred around the magical side of Halloween. “Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes to become a witch or wizard?  Then put on your cloak, grab a broomstick, wave your magic wand and transport yourself to Borde Hill Garden to find out”. Young visitors will receive a dastardly treat from the resident Borde Hill witch if they complete all the challenges in their spell book on the ghoulish garden trail. There will be spooktastic entertainment every day in the haunted marquee, so get down there with your little ones for a day full of fun.

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Exploring the Roots of Western Music: Sat 21st – Brighton Unitarian Church, New Road

Discover what’s on at BREMF this year with this free taster day. Join discussions, ask questions and listen to live music. The day is aimed at the interested general public. You do not need to be an expert or academic to join in! Topics include: The history and development of the earliest musical instruments, Where Folk, World and Classical meet, Some startling new research, An introduction to and background story behind several festival events, Live music. Stay for the whole day or just drop in.

Fever Club: Sat 21st – Rialto Theatre, Dyke Road

A Salon of Soul with a contagious beat, The Fever Club has grown out of the joyous, social atmosphere of our extraordinary house parties. Wanting to extended the hospitality, they have spilled over into the most fabulous location in Brighton at The Rialto. The venue is one of Brighton’s lesser known, but is one that you definitely shouldn’t miss out on. You can find it just up the hill from the HomeSense/Three/MetroBank junction by Churchill Square.

Rachel Mars: Our Carnal Hearts: Sat 21st – Attenborough Centre for Creative Arts

Who do you envy? Who is like you but a little bit better? With a raucous chorus of original music, award winning Rachel Mars and four belting female singers bring you a hilarious, murky show about the hidden workings of one of our uglier emotions. With music by Louise Mothersole (Sh!t Theatre), Our Carnal Hearts comes to Brighton following sell outs across the UK and USA, and a run in Edinburgh as part of the British Council Showcase 2017.

Halloween Shriek Week: Sat 21st – Sun 22nd – Drusillas Park, Alfriston

Looking for some of the best Halloween events in Sussex for kids? Shriek Week at Drusillas Park is the perfect place to bring the kids for a fun-filled and spooky Halloween week! Venture through the creepy cobwebbed corridors of Haunted Heights into the terror-tory of sin sisters, Hocus & Pocus as they play hide and shriek with the unsuspecting public! Haunted Heights towers high above the skyline of Drusillas but deep at the heart of the derelict castle lies a ghostly secret. Thrill seekers are invited to knock on the trap door and discover the spook-tacular surprise within. Will you dare to get into the spirit of things?

Bikeology: Sun 22nd – Theatre Royal, New Road

British Cycling has seen more drama in the past year than your average soap opera… So journalist, television presenter and best-selling author Ned Boulting is back this Autumn with his acclaimed sell out ride through the world of Bikeology, featuring brand new tales from life in the cycling lane, as well as the inside scoop from his time at the 2017 Tour de France. What drives the cyclist (apart from a sturdy, well-oiled chain) to such ecstasies of endurance? What curious, deep-rooted passions are aroused by the sight of a simple pair of padded shorts? And what on earth is a derailleur?

Brighton Antiques, Collectables, and Vintage Fair: Sun 22nd, 1 Freshfield Road, Brighton

Brighton Antiques, Vintage & Collectables Fair – 175 fantastic indoor stalls all bristling with all variety of amazing antiques, vintage and collectable items – at Brighton Racecourse. The fantastic Swing singer, Steve Conway, will be performing throughout the day! Head down to pick up a nice nick-nack for the bedroom, a lovely lamp for the living room, or an art deco ash tray…

Hurricane Michael: Sun 22nd, Komedia

The truth behind the Great Storm of 1987. Shake the hand of the man that shook the meteorological establishment. Is the BBC fit for purpose? You decide!





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