We all know women have many needs and wants, but usually they are serving someone else’s end, and our needs and wants are rarely ever catered for. This list of books is for when you need some me-time and a friend.
When you need someone to relate to: I Like You Just The Way I Am: Stories About Me And Some Other People By Jenny Mollen
This autobiography is so brutally honest. Jenny says the things that everyone thinks but no one says out loud. She presents stories of past boyfriends, her mum and enemies in the most outrageous and hilarious way that you won’t want to put the book down.
When you want to learn more about the environment teens are growing up in: American Girls: Social Media and The Secret Lives of Teenagers By Nancy Jo Sales
Women of all ages will benefit from the research Nancy packed into this book. It gives an insight into how your daughters are behaving and it makes your daughters feel like they are not alone. Although the title dedicates itself to teens in America, Nancy’s findings ring true around the world as so much of the next generations time is spent online in the world wide web. She discusses the implications of porn, and what girls post on social media, to school dress codes and the people who influence them. I cannot stress how informative this book is.
When you need a role model: The Woman I Wanted to Be By Diane Von Fusternburg
Diane Von Furstenberg offers a memoir and critique on her own life. She openly discusses her failed business ventures and the experiences that have shaped the woman she has become. She draws you in by letting you into her life and makes you feel like life is about making mistakes and learning from those experiences and everyone you meet.
When you want to feel inspired and connected to the world: Twenty-Two Letters to a Young Woman Searching For Meaning By Allison Trowbridge
Allison catches you off guard with this book, whether you are spiritual or not this book will help guide you towards finding yourself and making good decisions. The way she writes inspires you to be a better person and to remember you cannot live this life alone.
When you need a laugh and some guidance: The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k: How To Stop Spending Time You Don’t Have Doing Things You Don’t Want To Do With People You Don’t Like By Sarah Knight
This anti-self help book gets you to refocus on the things you care most about. It doesn’t ask you to not care about anything but to care about things that are important and leave behind things which serve you in no way. This is always helpful when societal norms can leave you feeling guilty for not living up to the huge amount of expectations life throws our way.
Enjoy reading ladies!