Be Prepared For Eight Weeks Of Roadworks And Delays By The Marine Gate!

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On Monday, roadworks will start to create a new bus layby on the A259 above Brighton Marina. Expected to be completed within eight weeks, the project aims to eliminate what currently is a spot for frequent accidents.

The works aim to build a bus layby on the seafront side of the road, allowing pedestrians to cross the road safely to get into Kemp Town. As lanes will be narrowed during the works, it is likely that there will be delays along this stretch of the Marine Drive, especially during rush hour times.

In the past seven years, eight accidents happened at that particular spot involving pedestrians crossing the road. Apparently, most of them were linked to the fact that the pedestrians’ view on the road was blocked by stationary buses.

Having identified a major safety issue for pedestrians, cyclists and bus users, the Council has now decided to carry out the works without any further delay. Other than the bus layby, there will be a new toucan crossing being installed.

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