Beef Tortilla with Mozzarella and Spinach – serves 4 people
- 8 tortillas
- 300g beef fillet
- Salt and pepper
- Olive oil
- Spinach, chopped small
- Handful of fresh basil
- Onion, chopped small
- Red paprika, chopped small
- Mozzarella cheese
Fry the meat on a pan on high heat for about 3 minutes on each side. Add salt and pepper and put the meat into 180°c heated oven for 10 minutes. Cut into thin slides when done.
Take one tortilla and spread everything mentioned above on it. Be careful not to overload it though. Put another tortilla cake on top and fry on a pan on medium heat until everything has melted together. Remove the tortillas from the pan with two spatulas so they don’t break.
Bon appetit!