How much did you pay in fees when you moved house? Brightonians will have to pay up to £720 for a two-adult household, a new survey of 112 local estate agents has revealed.
The average Brighton tenant pays £463, according to research by Generation Rent and Living Rent Brighton. The five most expensive agents named and shamed were Your Move Brighton, Halls, Leaders, King and Chasemore, and Cubitt and West.
Some Brighton tenants could be set back more than three times as much as their neighbours depending on which agent they use. Researchers say a typical couple plumping for King and Chasemore would be set back by £622 for a two-bedroom property while those choosing CBR Property Management were charged only £200.
The survey was carried out ahead of a new law which will ban letting fees – but tenants will still have to pay fees for another year before it comes into action.
Generation Rent member Anya Martin said: “Flat hunters in Brighton are desperate to find a suitable home at a rent they can afford. That means they’re a captive market for unscrupulous letting agents.
“We’re delighted that fees will be banned, but until this comes into force it’s important for renters to be aware of the costs.
“We hope this transparency will help our neighbours avoid the worst operators.”
A King and Chasemore spokesperson said: “It’s critical as a lettings agent that we ensure landlords comply with all required regulations. Fundamentally that’s what keeps properties safe for tenants to live in.
“We realise many people don’t see that as obvious but it’s crucial.
“We are always reviewing our fees to ensure we remain competitive and compliant.”
Five agents in Brighton and Hove were also found to be flouting the law by not publishing fees, but all started to comply once the research was shared with Brighton and Hove city council.