Brighton family the Michaels are famed for shouting their opinions at the telly while we watch them. But the Gogglebox stars are taking a step in a different direction by voicing their personal passions on a public stage.
Andrew, Pascal, and Louis will take turns speaking to a crowd at The Catalyst Club in Kemptown next Thursday. Held at the Latest Music Bar, the club night bills itself as a literary event – but the Michaels trio will deliver an entertaining and down-to-earth talk on as of yet secret topics.
Catalyst founder and compere David Bramwell said he didn’t want to spoil the surprise by revealing the subject matters ahead of the Gogglebox Special. However, he did comment that the issues discussed will likely come as a shock to some.
Describing the club nights, David said: “It’s an unashamed celebration of people’s passions.
“It’s the antithesis of the TV programme Room 101. The news can be sobering and depressing so we share something we love.”
So, what will it be like having such a popular, opinionated family on stage? David added: “It promises to be a lively evening.”
David has hosted more than 500 Catalyst Club nights. The format of the night is pretty simple but guaranteed to keep you gripped – each speaker gives a 15-minute talk followed by a question and answer session.
Billed as a ‘celebration of the singular passions of everyday folk’, the night has seen a man dressed as a seagull, a recitation of Eminem’s verses, and a surprise life-drawing session. So, anything goes!
If you’re wondering why you recognise Louis Michaels’ name, he also recently opened a vegan charity shop in Hove.
Latest Music Bar: 14-17 Manchester Street, Brighton, BN2 1TF, Tel:01273 687171, Website, Tickets
Doors 8 pm, show 9 pm, ends 11 pm
Over 18s only
Tickets: £7