Brighton Solidarity Federation are supporting a dispute against and MTM lettings by a group of tenants who are complaining about the standards of a property MTM rented to them.
They tenets have complained about damp, mould, infestations and poor furniture.
Another agency introduced the tenants to the landlady and property and have compensated the tenants for this referral.
6 months into the tenancy, administration was transferred to MTM. The tenants have had a variety of issues with the property and are taking it up with MTM by picket protesting outside the branch on lewes road on the 5th of September.
Brighton SolFed is trying to help find a solution to the dispute and have written letters of demand on behalf of the tennants and delivered them to MTM and the landlady.
So far a resolution has not been reached as the tenants do not believe they are being compensated for all the stress caused by living in the property.