Brightonian Christmas Special – What Are Your Christmas Traditions?

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In our fouth part of our Christmas-inspired feature series, we’ve reached out to local Brightonians and asked them a few questions about how they like to celebrate Christmas. 

Today, we asked Lewis how he likes to celebrate Christmas with his close family and friends in Hove, actually.

Lewis with his brothers Callum and Ollie.

What gets you in the festive spirit?

The smell of the Christmas tree never fails to get me feeling festive.

How does your day go from start to finish on Christmas Day?

We’ll usually start the day by having haggis and duck eggs (a family tradition of ours) before diving straight into the champagne and playing games. Then for the rest of the day it pretty much goes: lunch, games, cheese, speeches, games, cards, Perudo, more cheese, hardcore drinking and some light gambling to finish.

What’s on your table?

We’ve always got at least 5 different types of meat and all the trimmings, as well as all the other Christmas classics.

Dressing up or PJs?

We’re always, always in our PJs and of course Christmas socks.

What do you get up to on Boxing Day?

On boxing day we eat more food and more cheese. Then we spend the rest of the day playing a plethora of games, drinking and being merry.

Brussel sprouts – yay or nay?

Definitely a yay.

Favourite Christmas song?

“It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas” by Micheal Bublé

Favourite Christmas film?

Die Hard (and yes it is a Christmas film).

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Best part about the festive season?

Winning board games.

Favourite festive food?

Stuffing is without a doubt the best part about Christmas food.

Any strange Christmas traditions unique to your family?

Instead of Secret Santa, all 10 of us pitch a charity to the group which we all donate towards. The best presentation and interaction win.

Do you believe in Santa?

Santa is real, I’ll hear none of it.


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