Brightonian Christmas Special – What Are Your Christmas Traditions?

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In our third part series of Christmas-inspired feature series. we’ve reached out to local Brightonians and asked them a few questions about how they like to celebrate Christmas. 

We chatted to 23-year-old Eleanor Atkinson of Hanover, who celebrates Christmas with her large family in Guernsey, Channel Islands.

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What gets you in the festive spirit?

I love seeing all the Christmas lights and listening to festive songs.

What time do you wake up on Christmas day?

Me and my sisters all make sure we’re up by 8am and ready to rip open our stockings!

How does your day go from start to finish on Christmas Day?

We normally start with stockings in the morning at around 8am and eat our chocolate coins for breakfast (as well as something small) then open main presents from family before lunch. Then we all dress up a bit and help Mum cook lunch. After lunch go on a Christmas walk and then watch films and play game for the rest of the day. We then have turkey sandwiches/left over meat for dinner. It’s never a very late night, as we watch the Christmas telly and then go to bed.

What’s on your table?

The whole works – turkey, ham, stuffing, Yorkshire puddings, parsnips, carrots, pigs in blankets etc.. We always have Christmas crackers and we decorate our table with ivy and candles.

Dressing up or PJs?

PJs in morning and dressing up for lunch.

What do you get up to on Boxing Day?

We have another meal with the family (we either host Christmas Day or Boxing Day at our house and then go to someone else’s for the other day). There’s normally around 20-30 of us!

Brussel sprouts – yay or nay?

Yay! They’re a must at Christmas!

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Favourite Christmas song?

Fairy Tale of New York – The Pogues

Elf on the Shelf?

Nope, we’re all adults now but I work at a primary school and it’s a big thing there!

Favourite Christmas film?

It’s got to be The Polar Express. We watch it as a family every year.

Best part about the festive season?

Everyone seems to be happier towards Christmas and going out around Christmas is fun – also our whole family normally meets up which I love 🤪

Favourite festive food?

Pigs in blankets… Duh!

Any strange Christmas traditions unique to your family?

We play this drawing game where someone makes a list of random items and you go into teams and try and draw each thing on the list quicker than the other team. It’s a race so there’s a lot of running between rooms to find out the next item on the list so no one wants to be on my Gran’s team!

Do you believe in Santa?

Santa??? Of course!


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