Monday 6th December, The Haunt was hilariously chockablock with Santa Claws hats sitting upon fellow lovelies heads. I wondered where they had got them from. The majority of the club had them on. Did they all know each other? Was it a planned Santa Claws hat invasion? Were the hats mysteriously appearing on peoples heads? WHAT WAS THIS MADNESS! They were everywhere. No matter where I looked my eyes were drawn to the red Christmas bonnets. Plentiful holiday vibes up in this joint!
Katie, Alice & Jodie. Looking festive!
Olivia, Gemma, Maggie & Jacob.
Celine, Laurene, Kieran & Micael. They’re having a great time! The gentleman in white at the front, looks down at the camera with a great deal of certainty in his eyes.
Will, Will, Olivia, Jacob, Tom, Chris & Tom. Now as far as I can tell, there are 6 people in this photograph, yet when I asked the group to write their names down I got 7. As to not risk excluding someones name, I’ve decided to use them all. Voila!
Callum & Sharoze. Saucy! Intense gaze into the camera. So much meaning.
Lauren, Joe & Em. Party on lovelies! Where’s your hats?
Hannah, Danny & Chloe. I see glitter..!
I’m sorry to not have got your names! Looking lovely though lads! I feel like the young gentleman to the left anticipated this slip up.
SO MANY WONDERFUL FACES! So much happiness right here!
And let the magic continueeee..!