I don’t know about you but whenever I go out for a meal or drinks I always check out the bathroom. If the bathroom is nice, then you know the place you’re at is fancy! So where are the fanciest and strangest bathrooms in Brighton?
The Grand Brighton: I have to say as bathrooms go this one is pretty gorgeous. The marbled white decor is nothing short from spectacular. They have mood lighting and carefully stacked hand towels, with luxury hand soap and hand cream. Well lit mirrors and an area to powder your nose. If you are looking for a nice night out I would recommend The Grand…based solely on their bathrooms.
Inside Out: This one is a little more quirky. The bathroom has a mirror in which you can see the restaurant and people whilst you pee but they can’t see you! Although the message above the mirror reads a little differently… ‘Welcome to the loo with a view. Yes of course we can see you!’
The Bee’s Mouth: I have never been but I have heard this bathroom has quite the homage to Steve Buscemi. The American actor has starred in an abundance of films from, Fargo, to Reservoir Dogs to HBO’s TV show Board Walk Empire.
Burgers and Cocktails: This bathroom is mentioned because of the cute stickers placed on the bathroom mirrors. If you stand and look into them at the right angle you can look like you have a moustache or minnie mouse ears! Perfect for selfies.