Climate change is on everyone’s mind at the moment. There are constant news reports about soaring temperatures and extreme weather events. Experts are taking aim at the measures introduced by governments to limit their CO2 emissions. You’ll be painfully aware that sustainability is one of the most important issues that you are facing right now if you run your own business. There are a lot of different areas that you can focus on. These range from the materials that you use to send your goods to the vehicles that you use to do so.
One area that you are directly responsible for during work hours is the behaviour of your employees. Now, you can’t exactly guide them physically towards the recycling bin, but there are plenty of ways that you can give them a little encouragement and a bit of incentive to go greener.
Make Things Easy In The Office
It’s easy to make the environmentally unfriendly choice if it’s convenient. That’s partly why so many people struggle to make those positive changes in their behaviour even if they’ve got the Jiminy Cricket voice in their head. So, think about what you can do around the office to make it easier for your staff to do the right thing. That means ideas like getting rid of any plastic cups and straws in the break area and replacing them with mugs and paper straws. You can make sure that everyone has a recycling bin under their desk in addition to their regular wastepaper bin. If people can be green without really thinking about it then you may see a big uptick in that behaviour.Â
Look At Their Transport Options
Most people are aware that driving short distances is a big contributor to carbon emissions. It’s one of the reasons why cities like London are so determined to create sectors that are purely for public transport. You should think about what you could do to help them cut out their drive time if your staff is still working in the office. You could think about offering to subsidise public transport if that makes things easier for you or contribute towards bicycles. However, this isn’t always a practical option if you work outside of the city or are a long way from any useful public transport routes. If your team needs to drive to work, then you should think about helping them to go electric. Electric cars are becoming more accessible and more affordable. That means that a lot more people are thinking about buying one.Incorporating commercial electric car charging stations at your business center or office is a forward-thinking move that aligns with the global shift towards sustainability. It demonstrates your commitment to reducing environmental impact and sets a positive example for your employees and clients alike. By fostering an EV-friendly workplace, you not only promote eco-conscious commuting but also position your organization as a leader in promoting green initiatives, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable future for all.
So, how you can you help with that? In salary sacrifice schemes, your employees can pay for the cost of an electric car on a monthly basis with an amount taken out of their salary. Visit LV Electrix to find out more and to look at the best deals for you.
Make It Part Of Your Brand Identity
People are getting a lot more invested in checking whether the companies that they are shopping with are actually environmentally friendly. There are a lot of companies that issue bland statements about the importance of going green, but it doesn’t take a lot of digging to find out if they’re sticking to their word. It’s important that you deliver on any promises that you make to cutting down your carbon footprint. It’s also important that you show your team that you’re taking it seriously. No one wants to work for a business that is actively ignoring climate change. The chances are that no one is going to feel inspired to be greener when their place of work is anything but. If you can make going green part of who you are as a company, then you will attract people who want to be a part of that.Â
Get Them Involved With Green Initiatives
There has been a lot written in the last couple of years about staff morale and about how people are packing up and leaving their jobs. The movement has been called The Great Resignation and it’s been referred to as quiet quitting. It’s hard to pin down a single deciding factor but staff morale is a big one. It’s not always easy to keep everyone motivated and engaged when they are dealing with so many issues outside of work but giving them something positive to work towards will help. So, make them a part of your efforts to go green. Ask for suggestions and reward the team members who come forward. Think about what team-building exercises that you could do with local green initiatives and charities, whether that’s cleaning up a local green area or planting trees. The chances are good that this is an issue that they will be thinking about outside of work, so if you can help them to give something back to the planet then that will help.Â