Local Animal Lovers Hope For Regulations On Year-Round Firework Displays

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As most of us know, fireworks can be particularly distressing to animals, with our cats and dogs alike scampering to safety under the bed on Guy Fawkes’ Night every year. In Brighton however, it’s not just once a year that the city is riddled with noisy fireworks. In such a busy, vibrant city it’s expected that celebrations will be plentiful but now pet-owners have had enough.

Hundreds of local animal lovers have signed a petition calling for a decrease in year-round fireworks due to the disturbance it causes their animals. Rescue dog owner from Hanover, Liz Cook, presented the petition to the council, hoping for them to assess the impact of these noisy fireworks on both residents and their pets.

Yesterday Cook presented her concerns to the council to which Councillor Emma Daniel said they share some of her concerns regarding fireworks and urged people to follow the RSPCA’s advice when utilising them.

Despite concerns being shared, it was concluded that there are already legislations in place to prevent late night fireworks (none past 11pm apart from on Guy Fawkes night, New Years Eve, Diwali and Chinese New Year) and that any other law enforcement would be challenging to execute.

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