Meet: Kim Anderson Who Believes Struggles Will Shape An Artist

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Kim Amderson says social media makes being an artist more possible, in the last few years she has been about to sell her art through social media and is inspired by contemporary artists who she follows on Instagram.

She has always been a creative person, doing her degree in textile and surface design this led her to previously working as a designer for greeting card companies.

Via: Kim Anderson
Via: Kim Anderson

The work she sells is delicate, intricate, colourful and playful, she describes being carefree with her art materials when creating imagery.

“I’ve always been a doodler and then I came across a very thin pen which started me off making my designs really intricate and then I started filling in the image with pens and other collage pieces such as gold leaf and metallic foil and glitter. This is what developed my style and I feel very lucky to have this which I know is my own.”

The designs which helped her realised her dream of selling art to the public and made her career as a freelance designer take off were the tree and the peacock illustrations. Being tied to deadlines and briefs she felt hindered in her own creativity.

Via: Kim Anderson
Via: Kim Anderson

She’s loved art since she was a child and has been working professionally since 2002. However she didn’t always feel it was the most obvious career choice as she worried about making a living.

Kim tells us that she believes struggling as an artist helps you find your own unique style as you go through so much trial and error. “If you are determined enough you can achieve anything,” she says.

Kim is also an author she wrote and illustrated an art book which detailed her story into the artwork and the techniques she uses which include a lot of sparkle and glitter.

She says; “Writing the book was very challenging as I needed to use my writing creativity and hopefully inspire others with words as well as pictures.”

Via: Kim Anderson
Via: Kim Anderson

Kim is inspired by the work of Klimt and Picasso but Brighton also fuels her creativity. She lives in the fiveways area and says the abundance of artists, local art shop and May open houses are always sources of inspiration if not that a walk down the lanes or in Kensington Gardens will spark ideas for her artwork.

You can view more of Kim’s work on her Instagram or on Facebook.

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