The 7 Worst Things About Summer In Brighton

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Here at the Brighton Journal, we’re the first to sing Brighton’s praises, but that doesn’t mean it’s entirely without fault. The arrival of Summer brings many blessings to our shores, but with it come some sacrifices. Here are the 7 worst things about living in Brighton in Summertime…

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1. It’s Tourist Season…

As much as us Brightonians welcome the influx of tourists who come to admire our pier and explore the Laines, it can make life just that little bit harder. With so many people arriving for day trips, weekend getaways and full blown holidays, the narrow streets of Brighton soon become densely packed. Wondering into town to grab something from Tiger can end up taking half an hour as opposed to the usual ten minutes. But the city centre is usually the least of our worries…the much famed Brighton beach becomes packed like sardines with Londoners and other travellers hoping to get a glimpse of sun and maybe a splash in the sea, too. But I suppose that’s what comes with the territory of living in a much loved English seaside town!

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2. …And That Means More Seagulls

Inevitably, the arrival of more people on our beaches, brings the arrival of more litter, which in turn brings the arrival of more gulls on the hunt for even a scrap of food. Living in Brighton, seagulls are a pest you learn to deal with, but it can still be pretty annoying when you’re trying to picnic on the beach and they flock over in their fifties to nab someone’s left over crisp packet…

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3. Bugs Glorious Bugs

Okay so this one’s not exactly exclusive to Brighton, but who likes bugs? When looking back on hot Summer’s passed, I always seem to forget about the ever-irritating presence of flies, wasps and mosquitoes. Unfortunately, it’s just something you have to deal with if you want to sit out and enjoy the glorious British weather, so heed my advice and invest in some topnotch bug spray!

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4. Walking Uphill Gets 10x Harder

Most would agree that walking up a huge hill with a bag of shopping just to get home is never really fun per se, but it gets ten times harder when Summer comes around… Living in Brighton means having to conquer a few hills from time to time, which is fine, but not when you end up looking like a puddle of sweat at the end of it.

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5. The Wind Doesn’t Go Away…

Note to self: Just because it looks sunny outside doesn’t mean you should wear that short Summer dress. Unfortunately in Brighton, the arrival of Summer doesn’t necessarily mean the departure of our windy weather. Being located right next to the sea means strong winds ought to be expected, even on the warmest of days.

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6. …So It’s Not As Hot As Elsewhere

As I said, Brighton’s winds rarely falter, which means that even on the hottest of days, it can still get a little nippy down here. So if in London it’s 30°c, Brighton will probably feel around 25°c. Nevertheless, that’s a small price to pay for living right on the English coast and it sure doesn’t stop people from acting and dressing as if they’re in Barbados!

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7. It’s Easy To Burn

Because of that aforementioned pesky wind, it’s often hard to tell the true temperature, leading to lots of lobster shaded Brightonians and tourists wandering around the city. And how many times have you seen someone fall asleep on a towel at the beach? (Answer: A lot). So living by the can sea require much more attention to sun cream application than elsewhere…


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