The City Is READY For Pride!

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Pride begins today Brighton! The city has been getting ready for Pride over the last week, much like us! In anticipation of all the fun take a look around the city with us to see all the signs of fun…

Via: Clayton Cosgrove Twitter
Via: Clayton Cosgrove Twitter

The Pure 360 Offices close to London Road have decorated their building!

Via: @jessandjoshcook twitter
Via: @jessandjoshcook twitter

@Jessandjoshcook painted her nails for Pride!

Via: Churchill Square Twitter
Via: Churchill Square Twitter

Churchill Square tweeted about all their stores which are getting into the Pride spirit! Levi’s has pride T-shirts!

Via: Churchill Square Twitter
Via: Churchill Square Twitter

Topshop has a Pride carpet! Claire’s, Monsoon and THBaker Jeweller are also joining in on the fun!

Via: Sussex Community NHS Twitter

The NHS is even getting involved and representing the pride community with a Sussex Community Pride car!


Via: MetroDeco Twitter
Via: MetroDeco Twitter

Cafe’s and restaurants are even offering special Pride themed food and drink! Metro Deco is offering a pink Pride tea!

Via: Brighton Gin Twitter
Via: Brighton Gin Twitter

If you want to get drunk with pride check out Brighton Gin’s rainbow bottles for Pride!

Via: Alice Dunbar Twitter
Via: Alice Dunbar Twitter

We agree Alice!! Sounds like everyone is ready and excited!

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