The Sussex Personal Trainer Turned Children’s Author For Charity

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Inspirational 32-year-old Tommy Keough has self-published his own children’s e-book in a bid to raise money for a cancer charity for kids.

The Eastbourne-based personal trainer released his first novel, The Bogsproggler, on Wednesday, and has another two follow-up books in the pipeline.

Taking inspiration from Harry Potter and Lord of The Rings, the yarn for 10 to 12-year-olds follows moss-eating mythical creature The Bogsproggler on his adventures through his homeland of Dalanor.


The fantasy tale is currently available as an e-book only, but Tommy will unveil a paperback version in the near future. Priced at £1.50-£1.99 a copy, 10p profit from each sale will be donated to the Joe Glover Trust.

Tommy, 32, from Eastbourne, said: “I started writing this and thought, ‘even if it kills me I want to get this project finished’. For me personally, it was about getting closure to the story that I loved writing.

“I am currently in contact with the charity about setting up the donations and would love to continue this for the other two books I have planned for the trilogy.

“I’m very happy to be donating to such a great cause.”

Fans of the book, who Tommy calls ‘boggles’, have already given the tale rave reviews on Amazon, guaranteeing it a place on the ‘new and hot books’ list.

Best of luck, Tommy!

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  1. This guy is a druggie, drunk and thief. Dont trust his man. Writing childrens books to make a quick buck but a complete crack head. Needs the money to fund his habit


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