There was Plenty of Craic at Molly Malone’s on Saturday

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Described as Brighton’s biggest and best Irish pub, last Saturday night Molly Malone’s went all out to prove that was true!

The pub has plenty on offer with a number of different ales and ciders on tap and live music every week from Wednesday until Sunday, you really can’t go far wrong with a night there. Situated on West Street, at the heart of Brighton’s nightlife, Molly Malone’s is the perfect place to go for a few to wet the whistle before a night on the town or even to sing the night away! Check out what’s in store here:

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The beer and whiskey was flying!
"Make mine a double!"
“Make mine a double!”
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A happy bunch of punters.
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Looked like a jolly night!
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These guys love it at Molly Malone’s!
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