Volunteers are needed for the latest iteration of the regular, grass roots community oriented Brighton Beach Clean on Sunday 29 October.
If you’ve got a spare few hours on Sunday morning then why not join the group of volunteers as they help keep our beloved seafront clean and tidy.
As many Brighton residents will know, lots of litter is regularly left on the beach by locals and tourists alike, and whilst top down measures to introduce more bins to the beach, and to encourage responsible use of public space, it is equally well within the capabilities of the local community to take matters into their own hands and to act to clean up after our messy neighbours.
The more people that we can get down to the seafront this weekend to help in the efforts, the more can be done, so do try to share the news of the event with those that you know will be willing to help.
The weather on Sunday is predicted to be crisp and clear, so get your coat on and get a lung full of fresh ocean air whilst you do your bit to keep this lovely little city sparkling.
Organisers have all the equipment you’ll need, including gloves & bin bags. Volunteers are encouraged to bring along anything they particularly like using.
Volunteers are to meet outside Concorde 2 at 10am, and clean-up the area to the East of the building before extending out and doing some more of the beach to the West of Concorde if large numbers of volunteers turn up.
The event aims to clean up the Terraces this weekend before the Veteran Car Run comes to town. Volunteers are encouraged to help out for a brief 30 minutes of their weekend, or to stay with the group for around 2 hours, whatever you can squeeze into you weekly break!
Throughout the year millions of people visit our beaches, promenade and lawns and most leave them as they found them. Unfortunately though, too many leave behind items of litter which can quickly build up despite the best efforts of beach cleaners. On the first weekend of July 2013 beach cleaners picked up over 90 tonnes worth of litter, that’s the same weight as over 20,000 deck chairs!