And then it goes on and on and on and on and ON! We are the champions, my friends… And We’ll keep on fighting till the end… We are the champions, WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! No time for losers, because we are the champions, of the world! – Queen
Lilly, 25 a jeweller by day and a yoga instructor by evening, in Brighton! She’s been here for the last 6 years and loves it! “I met my boyfriend here! He’s the jeweller I work for, my boss!” Oooo la la ! “Also, you can walk around here, and nothing will turn your head, in the way that you think, oh that’s weird, nothing shocks people here and I love that!”
Lilly’s message to humanity : “Be the change. Honour each other, be kind, put out love and light.”
Debbie, who says she’s over 21 and that’s all we need to know, is our North Laine’s ‘TUFF TARTS’ boutique owner! She’s been the proud owner of this business in Brighton for just over a year and a half and was in Snooper’s paradise for over 10 years before joining the diverse range of boutiques in our North Laine! “I love quirky clothes. There wasn’t enough people selling them. I had to educate other people to wearing them as well! Some of the clothes we design, some we get from London, some from Japan, because we’re quirky, quite unique in that way! Which is perfect for Brighton! I like something different, that’s what it’s all about! I love that there is so much individuality here in Brighton, the lanes, pact with small businesses, It’s just so great!”
Debbie’s message to humanity : “Be nicer to people! Have a bit more tolerance for people!”
Charlotte, 29, Brightonian, has been working for Debbie in the ‘TUFF TARTS’ boutique for the last 4 months. “I love it, Debbie is just so much fun to work with and the whole street’s a buzz, all the time!” Debbie says she shops a little from “here, there and everywhere! Sometimes from Debbie, sometimes from high street shops, anywhere really! I haven’t got a specific look, I just go with what I like. That’s the best thing about Brighton isn’t it? My sister lives in Liverpool and everyone looks the same, but in Brighton, everyone looks different. You can’t look out of fashion or out of place in whatever you wear. So I really like that.”
Charlotte’s message to humanity : “Keep it clean and keep it peaceful everybody!”
Larnie, 18, originally from Southampton, moved over to Brighton to study sociology at university! “I love everything about Brighton, the shops, all my friends are here and the nightlife is great!” Larnie got her trousers from Beyond Retro, her top and coat from a charity shop. The idea behind the pink hair? “I don’t know just got bored of it so I dyed it pink one day but I think I’ll go back to blonde soon though!”
Larnie’s message to humanity : “Do what makes you happy.”
Morgan, 18, from Maidstone, studies astrophysics at Sussex university. “I’ve always loved Brighton, I’ve been coming here since I was a kid. I love it for it’s quirky people. Back home, if I had blue hair, people would just look at me weirdly and here it’s completely normal.” But where does Morgan get her clothes from? “Literally all over, vintage shops, ASOS, Zara quite a lot at the moment, I like their embroidered stuff!”
“I think I got my fashion style from my mum!”
Morgan’s message to humanity : “Don’t be afraid to be who you are. If you want to dress individually, then do it!”