Brighton and Hove’s Housing and New Homes committee will decide the fate of the construction of 57 new council homes.
If the proposal is approved in the meeting next week, the work will go ahead to build 45 homes on the site in Victoria Road, Portslade, and 12 more to replace existing under-used garages in Buckley Close, Hove.
Councillor Anne Meadows, chair of the Housing & New Homes Committee, said: “With so many people on the joint housing register, 2,000 households in temporary accommodation and rising homelessness, it is a key priority for us.

These housing plans are part of the latest proposals in the city council’s ‘New Homes for Neighbourhoods’ programme, to provide new rented council accommodation.
Cncllr Meadows added: “The lifting of the Housing Revenue Account borrowing cap is something we’ve been pushing hard for in Brighton & Hove and we’re keen to make sure it can help us expand and speed up our work to provide new homes.”
The programme has successfully built 173 new homes on council-owned sites previously abandoned or underused, with plans to continue utilising other sites like this across Brighton and Hove.
Cncllr Meadows also said the Victoria Gardens site would not only provide 45 homes for the area but also improve the sports facilities for the community.
Plans for Victoria Road aim to create one, two, and three bedroom flats, whereas Buckley Close hopes to build one to two bedroom flats, with one having full wheelchair access on the ground floor.
Other council work for housing includes ‘The Homes for Brighton & Hove’ partnership with Hyde, aiming to build 1,000 lower cost homes for rent and sale, along with ‘The Home Purchase Policy’, allowing the council to buy back homes sold under the right to buy.
For more information about our New Homes for Neighbourhoods programme, visit the council’s website.