Quid Night, Drink Right @ PavTav

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I expect you students are wondering some of the interesting and cheap places to drink on weekdays. The DJ blasted a mixture of tunes from the 70’s – late 2000’s. The atmosphere was high endowed from youthful, vibrant personalities getting their drink on after a long day of working and some to make the most of their Easter holidays.

I went to the Pavilion Tavern last night situated on the bottom of North Street. Every Monday and Thursday from happy hour they treat the public with their cheap drink prices and DJ entertainment until the early hours of the morning. For just £1.75 a pint you can drink your weight in beer. I sure did.

Meeting some of these interesting people really made my night. Was so lovely to meet them all!


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Sam and Oscar being a lively pair with their weirdness 😉

When addressing these guys, I asked if I could ask them a weird question… I was then asked 20 questions of weirdness. ‘Have you ever shaved a squirrel?’ Oscar (Oscarson) asked. ‘Are you a trump supporter?’ Asked Sam (Samson). Guys, I just wanted a picture 😀 They also required a meme version of their picture. So here we go guys, from Nataliesan.



Jack and Wes enjoying the £2.50 gin doubles

Jack and Wessley arrived slightly later than most people, but in enough to enjoy the last few hours of entertainment. Both just finished work from ASDA they’re ready to unwind with some spirits and good tunes. Wessley not drinking anything other than coca cola and lemonade still managed to be the most high spirited and jolly person he could be.


Jack, Wes and myself getting well acquanted with the pubs atmosphere and the other students
Jack, Wes and myself getting well acquainted with the pubs atmosphere and the other students


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Thanks PavTav! I’ll be back for bank holiday Monday quid’s night next week!


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