Street Fashion! First Of The New Year! YAY!

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New years resolutions, packing away the Christmas decorations, avoiding looking at your credit card balance. So much to do this time of year! But at least we still look fabulous.


Dawn, 19, is studying creative writing and film studies at Portsmouth university and is living in Kent. She came to Brighton for the day to wonder around and enjoy its loveliness. “I haven’t been here much but when I do come it’s usually to go to concerts.” Dawn usually shops a lot at Primark “It’s all I can afford!” I wanted to know how Dawn’s hair came to be blue? “I was having a bad day, and I just thought you know what, how can you be sad if you have blue hair! Hahaha” Great answer!


Fifa keam, 18, from Middlesbrough says he’s still trying to figure out what he’s doing in Brighton, but is currently working as a barista in the mean time. “I chose to come to Brighton because I love the left wing politics here, it’s a place with a community, It’s very open minded, there’s good art and music culture here and yeah!” Fifakeam says he aspires to just have a good time, he doesn’t mind what he’s doing as long as he’s enjoying himself.

Fifa’s message to humanity: “Dance!”


Lily, 23, is in Brighton visiting her friends who have just moved in to a flat here. “I love it, I really want to come move down! I used to live in Bristol and it’s got a really similar vibe but it feels more intimate here I think.” Lily works as a book seller! She got her fabulous fur coat from Topshop for just £9 “very reduced in the sales! It was such a good bargain! That’s getting up early and hitting the sales for you!”


Imogen, 22, is one of Lily’s friends who just moved to Brighton with her girlfriend! She’s bagged herself a new job in environmental consultancy, which she will be starting this week! Good luck Imogen! “Brighton’s great, we’ve literally been here for just three days but we’re loving it!” Imogen got her lovely warm coat for £24 from Newlook!

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Let the magic continueee..!


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