Stay fabulous fellow Brighton population ! More colours, more class, more charisma ! I do so enjoy running after you beauties in the street with as much elegance as God gave me (not much) to complement you on your fabulous-ness, embarrassing you to the point of nervous giggling explosion of emotions and having short but utterly delightful conversations with you ravishing randomers ! Merci beaucoup and let the magic continue !
Nina, 16, is a true Brightonian, born and raised. She was sitting outside the library ready to go in and attack the load of college work she had to do over the Christmas holiday! Nina goes to college to study politics, psychology and English language. “I love Brighton for it’s people, how open it is, I love pride here. I just love everything about it!” Nina hopes to one day fulfil her dream of becoming a journalist. “I come from a family of writers and it’s just something I really want to do. My sister’s got quite a big magazine, so I’ve just been inspired to become a great writer.” Nina bagged her outfit from the sales in shops like Urban Outfitters, the boutiques in the North laine, charity shops… What about her colourful hair? C’est très Brighton. “I usually have it a lot brighter pink because I hate being blond, I find it boring. I love colour! “I toned it down when I went for an interview at M&S. I didn’t think they’d want to hire a girl with bright pink hair.” But now that the job is in the bag Nina hopes to tone her hair up “more and more pink everyday”!
Nina’s message for humanity : “Let it happen, go with the flow.”
Owen, 19, from Chichester, is studying human biology at Manchester university and is down in Brighton for the day, with his mate Jennifer who he met in sixth form. “I love Brighton, it’s really accepting and different. Lots of different fashion styles and things like that. I’ve been to the lanes like once before and so this is my second visit and it’s pretty cool!” Owen stole his coat from his mate and bought his jumper from Jack Wills, which is somewhere he used to work.
Owen’s message to humanity : “Reduce, reuse, recycle!”
Jennifer, 19, has come to Brighton for the day from a place near Worthen with Owen. She goes to Cardiff university studying Sociology with education. “I love Brighton, it reminds me of my childhood. I used to come hear all the time. I love the beach, the lanes!” Jennifer stole her denim jacket from Owen and pinched the rest of her outfit from her sisters wardrobe! She’s wrapped a belt round her hair to make a little head band!
Jennifer’s message to humanity : “Keep the peace.”
Saleste, 21, grew up in Brighton, and is now trying to start her own clothing company! Haven come back from travelling through Cambodia and Vietnam just a few weeks ago Saleste says the plan now is to “sort out her life” but definitely knows she’s going toward the fashion route! “So I’ve set up my own little studio in my boyfriends garage!” Saleste is looking very chic in her Marks & Spencer’s coat that initially belonged to her Grandma. “She died last year and I was going through all of her stuff and I found this and I was like, Granny you got style!” Her scarf and dress are from Sula “which is a company I used to work for”.
Saleste’s message to humanity : “Love each other! Spread the love!”
Jade, 20, grew up just outside of Brighton and is an “illustration student, slash general person”! Jade says she loves the fact that Brighton is small enough that you can walk pretty much everywhere you go and there’s a good vibe, positive energy and the lanes are great! Jade’s classy navy long coat is from Starfish “but is falling apart”! She’s obviously given this coat lots and lots of love! Her scarf is from Lavender Room “Which is where I used to work. It’s this lovely shop that happens to smell really great!”
Jade’s message to humanity : “Don’t be a dick.”
Let the magic continueeee… !