Life shouldn’t be taken for granted. Every breath of fresh air should be cherished, every opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone should taken. You may be alive but are you actually living?
Comfort is a wonderful feeling, it screams safety and balance. No risks are taken and nothing is lost, well you would think so anyway. Perhaps you are oblivious to what chances are escaping whilst in deep enjoyment of stability. You’re limits will never be discovered whilst standing still and in a lifetime that has only one guarantee, don’t waste precious time that could be spent finding yourself.
Chinese Philosopher Laozi famously quoted: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” and he couldn’t have summed up the message’s underlying simplicity using a better explanation than the one he chose. The realisation of hard work and dedication is often the reason behind people’s avoidance to take up challenges and test their body under strain.
On this occasion, a thousand miles isn’t quite the distance in question, we’re looking more along the lines of 26.2 and 13.1 to be precise. Yes that’s right, a Marathon and a Half, not together of course.

Since 1990, Brighton has staged an annual Half Marathon in the city and the event is still attracting runners from all over the country a quarter of a decade later. Five years ago, a Full Marathon was introduced to the running schedule and has grown in popularity every year since.
Thousands of pounds (not miles) are raised towards hundreds of charities each year, also attracting six-figure crowds across the city for events that bring the community together and encourage personal achievements that are motivated by fantastic causes.
The pair of fundraisers will be staged in the early months of 2016, with the Vitality Brighton Half Marathon taking place on Sunday 28th February and the Brighton Marathon a few months later on Sunday 17th April.
It doesn’t matter if you’re an experienced runner or have never jogged around the block in your life, anything can be achieved with focus and determination. Small steps are required as ability strengthens, as you slowly progress to a level your body never knew was possible. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was your ability to run long distances.
Although there are no general entries remaining for either race, plenty of charity places are available, giving you the chance to raise money for a great cause and accomplish your own goals along the way.
Whether you run in memory of a loved one or a charity close to your heart, the added incentive provides meaningful motivation during training and makes that satisfying feeling even sweeter when you finally cross the finish line on race day.
So if you’re caught up in comfort and find yourself fingertips away from escaping the claustrophobic hole your life is currently in, take a leap in a positive direction, reach where you’ve never touched, believe in yourself and discover the beautiful freedom outside that comfort zone.
Achieve something great, for yourself and also for others.
Over 400 charities have places remaining for the 2016 races, see the links below:
Vitality Brighton Half Marathon
Kieran Cleeves