Keep Your Shoes in Top Shape with These 6 Care Tips

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A good pair of shoes can take you to many places. There are establishments where the way you look can determine whether or not you’ll be granted entry, and your choice of shoes can make or break your chances of getting in. At the same time, though, a good pair of shoes can offer your feet the right level of protection, enabling you to cover more ground as you go for a run or explore a new destination. As such, if you find and acquire a good pair of shoes, you should make every effort to keep the said pair in the best possible condition for as long as you can. Here are six tips on how you can do that. 

Wear Alternating Pairs of Shoes

To make your shoes last, don’t wear them every day. Instead of just owning one pair of shoes and wearing the same footwear over and over until the pair falls apart, invest in at least one other pair of shoes. Wear the shoes on alternate days to give the material time to dry and maintain its shape. By doing this, you extend the lifespan of each pair and help to ensure that they keep looking good until the very end. 

Mind the Insides of Your Shoes

Your shoes’ appearance matters. If the pair you’re wearing looks good, you can expect it to complement the rest of your outfit. However, there’s more to your shoes than meets the eye. If your shoes look good but don’t feel comfortable on your feet, you’ll likely avoid wearing them. Make an effort to take care of the inside of your shoes. You can do this by shopping for antimicrobial socks and wearing them before you put on a pair of leather, suede, or even canvas shoes. The socks will absorb the moisture produced by your feet, which can damage the inner lining of your shoes. Additionally, the antimicrobial properties of your socks will help prevent bacterial growth that can lead to unpleasant odors. Wearing socks also adds a bit of additional support and warmth to your feet, which can be such a relief when it’s cold or if you need to walk long distances. 

Prepare Your Shoes for the Elements

Some shoes are made of materials that don’t work well in wet weather conditions, and wearing them when it’s raining or snowing can damage their look and form. Protect your shoes from incurring moisture damage by spraying them with a waterproof protector. This will help preserve the look and functionality of the shoes, even during rainy days, and prevent the accumulation of unwanted spots and stains. 

Use Shoe Trees When Storing Shoes

Shoe trees are foot-shaped devices that are placed inside the shoes when the pair of footwear is not in use. This tool has plenty of benefits, including helping the shoe retain its shape, absorbing moisture, and ensuring that the pair will not be deformed even if they are kept in storage. If you have a new pair of shoes that pinch your feet, you can also use shoe trees to stretch them out a little and make them more comfortable to wear without having to break them in yourself. 

Polish Leather Shoes Regularly

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Polishing your leather shoes regularly is another beneficial activity if you want to make sure that your leather footwear will last. Exposure to sunlight can dry out the hide and cause it to discolor and crack. Additionally, your sweat has salt, which can dehydrate materials like leather. It may not look like it, but the feet sweat a lot, and the salt from sweat can come into contact with the leather and cause it to dry out or get dehydrated. Polishing leather helps prevent this from happening and lengthens the service lifecycle of your favorite and alternative pairs of shoes. 

Add Reinforcements to Your Shoes

Aside from looking good, shoes should also be durable. If you want to preserve your shoes or protect them from everyday wear and tear, you can add reinforcement to the pair in the form of taps and half-soles of rubber. Such an addition will bring a spring to your step and even introduce traction to prevent slipping and tripping. At the same time, these accessories can also add years to your shoes’ serviceability and offer additional comfort to you while you’re wearing the pair. 

There’s practical advice floating on the internet about never skimping on things that keep you from the ground, be it a bed, a chair, or a pair of shoes. If you’ve followed this suggestion when purchasing your footwear, it’s also a must to keep your shoes in the best condition for the longest time possible. Doing so will not only enable you to maximize your initial investment but it will also give you every chance to provide your feet with the support that they need as they carry you through all your activities and endeavors. Take note of these tips and you’ll have an easier time preserving the look, functionality, and comfort afforded by your shoes. Not only that, but you’ll also save on footwear costs because you won’t need to keep buying a new pair of shoes all the time. 

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