Sponsored by mineral water brand ‘Life’, Brighton and Hove’s new bike share scheme launched on the 1st of September, and has been hugely successful so far.
Since its launch less than two months ago, cyclists using the bikes have cycled upwards of 50,000 miles. This is equivalent to cycling around the circumference of earth twice.
Working similarly to Boris Bikes in London, the scheme allows people to pick up the bikes from various locations in Brighton from designated bike racks and then lock them back on another one around town.
The scheme is still growing, with the end result being 450 ‘smartbikes’ for people to use. To top it all off, it only costs 3p per minute with a minimum spend of £1, or a yearly cost of £72 that allows for an hour of cycling every day.
Brighton has always been renowned for how many of its citizens choose cycling over driving, and this is a push even further in the right direction!