Brighton and Hove City Council announced on Twitter earlier today their plan to introduce new routes for cyclists as part of the new sustainable travel movement. The aim is to encourage people to find alternatives to car use or public transport. The change would improve air quality and contribute to preserving and bettering the environment. The council is advocating for safe walking and cycling and are encouraging the public to leave cars at home. The final day of the campaign is Car Free Day.
‘We know that transport emissions are the biggest contributor to air pollution in Brighton and Hove and we are taking a number of steps to reduce emissions, improve air quality and to help us meet our goal of becoming a zero carbon city by 2030.’
‘The council cannot deliver significant change by itself and working with transport partners and stakeholders is vital to help tackle the issue of air pollution and deliver lower emission transport options, sooner.’
The council is determined to make the city of Brighton & Hove a zero carbon city by 2030. The council’s plans include a Low Emissions Zone for Castle Street, North Street and Western Road. The infrastructure work started in 2018 and it will continue with plans to make walking and cycling better connected. 200 new electrical vehicle charging points for taxis are in works.The electric bike project encourages workplace staff to cycle to work instead of driving or taking the train. The City Cycling Skills is also there to help you with bike maintenance and training.
Climate change is a widely discussed topic. You hear about it on the news, on social media and your friends and family. Some people and certain politicians have expressed their opinion on the subject, some even their doubts. Air quality however, is hard to argue against. The council is taking the right measures to improve the air quality.